Changing Time Zones and Jet Lag
Jet lag is the name for the disrupted sleep patterns and feelings of tiredness, irritation, and disorientation which can affect international travelers. Since you have only two weeks to spend in the U.S., you will want to avoid the effects of jet lag as much as possible. Here are some tips:
On the plane:
o Set your watch to EDT as soon as you board.
o Drink lots of water (not alcohol!)
o Sleep if you can. Consider using earplugs, a neck support pillow, or an eyemask, but avoid using sleeping pills on the plane.
o Walk around the plane as much as possible.
When you arrive:
o Immediately start eating and sleeping according to the new time zone.
o Exercising in the early morning and late afternoon may help re-synchronize your internal clock.
Source: DeAnne Musolf Crouch, “Beating Jet Lag: Travel Tips”
Hello! Nice to meet you. My name is Fuminori, but you may have a little difficulty in saying. So please call me Fumi!
First I'm sorry that I am too late for leaving comments. We only have two weeks! So close! I can't imagine that I will be in the United States in a few weeks.
The weather in Tokyo is now very bad. We have a lot of rainy days. It is called "thuyu".
Thank you for those nice tips. And I'm looking forward to visiting Malyland and meeting you!
Anonymous, at Tue Jul 18, 10:37:00 AM EDT
Hello, Fumi, nice to meet you! Yes, time is really going fast now. I am finalizing the plans for our field trips and activities. I hope you and your co-participants will enjoy what we have planned for you!
We are having a heat wave this week, with temperatures reaching 100 degrees Fahrenheit. I hope it cools off a little for your trip, but don't count on it; August can be really hot here.
See you soon!
Nina Liakos, at Tue Jul 18, 12:01:00 PM EDT
Hello!My name is Hiromi.I guess there are two people whose name is Hiromi Sato,but I am the female one! Well, thank you for letting me know that the blog about this program has opened.These information you give me makes me think about how I spend time at there and excited! I actually went to American University last year as a member of another program arranged by AGU. It was really great experience, and Washington DC became one of my favorite place in the world. So I'm really glad that I can go to there again.Also, I hope that this also will be a great experience for me.
By the way, I'm gonna keep the tips in mind to avoid jet lag.
See you later!
Anonymous, at Wed Jul 19, 10:40:00 PM EDT
Welcome to AGU in America, Hiromi! So this will be your second trip to our nation's capital. You must have really liked it the first time if you signed up to come again. I hope we will be able to show you some different things, as well as renew your acquaintance with your favorite places from last year.
The other Hiromi Sato(h) spells his name with an 'h'. Is this the same name or a different one in Japanese?
See you soon!
Nina Liakos, at Thu Jul 20, 06:58:00 AM EDT
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